HR Excellence Award
Under the successful project management of Ms Bea Lünzer and her WHP team from BARMER Health Ins., the project ‘Frauengesundheit Er#leben in der Schwerindustrie’ (Experiencing Women’s Health in Heavy Industry) received the HR Human Excellence Award 2024 in the category 24 #Wellbeing & #BGM! We are proud to have been part of this project by providing our tests for the evaluation and thus providing scientific support.
As part of the project, customised health offers that are specifically tailored to the needs and biology of women were developed. The aim was to promote mental and physical health in the workplace. This included self-care training, yoga and relaxation exercises as well as keynote speeches by experts.
The result? The participants were able to significantly increase their resilience and well-being! This could be proven with our evaluation tools, among other things.
This approach shows that effective #healthpromotion for women must be needs-orientated!
#HREA2024 #women’s health #applause
Winner in Kat. 24: Well Being and BGM is:
Barmer, MAN Energy Solutions, IMPART
Experiencing women’s health in heavy industry
A wide-ranging BGF programme lasting several months just for women in a totally male-dominated company. Is it possible? And how! 50 female participants learnt, sweated, networked and laughed together under constant monitoring of relevant vital parameters. The results exceeded all expectations and a new level was reached in the area of gender-specific health promotion.
On the photo from left:
Michelle Jäger, Heike Schmitz, Bea Lünzer (BARMER BS)
in the centre Franziska Brand and Dr Felix Bollay (MAN ES)
Anna Hilsberg (BARMER BV) and Dr Gudula Ritz
Human Excellence Award
The ‘Women’s Health’ project with BARMER and MAN ES, which was the first to be presented at the Research Day, was nominated as one of five projects for the Human Excellence Award in the above-mentioned category 24, Wellbeing & BGM.
About the project
Barmer, MAN Energy Solutions Experiencing women’s health in heavy industry
A wide-ranging health promotion programme lasting several months just for women in a totally male-dominated company. Is it possible? And how! 50 female participants learnt, sweated, networked and laughed together under constant monitoring of relevant vital parameters. The results exceeded all expectations and a new level was reached in the area of gender-specific health promotion.
Press Release
IMPART – A quarter of a century
IMPART GmbH was founded in Osnabrück 25 years ago on 11 September. Mayor Katharina Pötter congratulated the company on its silver jubilee and presented those responsible with a beautiful orchid.
The company was founded as a spin-off from the local university. Since then, it has developed and marketed personality tests focussing on “personal styles”, “self-regulation” and “motives”, which are in demand worldwide and are used in research, counselling, coaching and psychotherapy. It also offers a wide range of further training courses with on-site seminars at the ICO (Innovation Centre Osnabrück) as well as online. The test products were developed by Prof Julius Kuhl, who held a chair in differential and personality psychology at the University of Osnabrück from 1986-2015, and his team.
In its first quarter of a century, the company, under the management of Dr Gudula Ritz for 15 years, had to overcome serious challenges. For example, it was confronted with the global banking and financial crisis (2007-2008), the effects of which significantly reduced the demand for coaching and counselling tests. A similar development took place during the dramatic years of the coronavirus pandemic (2020-22), during which activities in the area of furthereducation either had to be drastically reduced or replaced by an online format. IMPART GmbH survived both crises thanks to the quality of its test products and, last but not least, to the loyaltyand solidarity of its long-standing customers. A solid foundation on which to build with confidence in the coming years.
Photo: Congratulations from the Mayor of Osnabrueck to (from left) Prof. em. Julius Kuhl, Dr Gudula Ritz (Managing Director), Liesa Kauke (Procuration), Karl von Westenholz (Assistant to the Managing Director) are delighted with the congratulations from the Mayor of Osnabrück.
Signed: Dr. Gudula Ritz (Managing Director – IMPART GmbH)