Modular Seminars
Licensing and training seminars
PSI-Licensing Module 1
Efficient and sustainable change processes are promoted with TOP-EOS diagnostics according to Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl.
The Basics Principles
In this three-day seminar, you will acquire the basics of the PSI-Theory. Each participant is given the opportunity to take a free self-management test to try out the function-analytical understanding on himself or with a client. This seminar module is the basis for participation in the advanced training courses to become a PSI-competence consultant with TOP/EOS diagnostics.
PSI-Licensing Module 2
Efficient and sustainable change processes are promoted with TOP-EOS diagnostics according to Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl.
The Basics Principles
In this three-day seminar, you will acquire basic knowledge of the PSI-Theory in relation to the complex field of social motives. It is about motives: relationship, performance, power and freedom. Motives are an important basis for experiential learning. Each participant will be given the opportunity of a free MUT/OMT scan in order to try out the function-analytical understanding on himself or with a client
PSI-Licensing Module 3
Efficient and sustainable change processes are promoted with TOP-EOS diagnostics according to Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl.
The Basics Principles
In this three-day seminar, you will acquire basic knowledge of personality development is conveyed in a practical way. Each participant will be given the opportunity of a free MUT/OMT scan in order to try out the function-analytical understanding on himself or with a client
PSI-Licensing Module 1
Efficient and sustainable change processes are promoted with TOP-EOS diagnostics according to Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl.
The Basics Principles
In this three-day seminar, you will acquire the basics of the PSI-Theory. Each participant is given the opportunity to take a free self-management test to try out the function-analytical understanding on himself or with a client. This seminar module is the basis for participation in the advanced training courses to become a PSI-competence consultant with TOP/EOS diagnostics.
PSI-Licensing Module 2
Efficient and sustainable change processes are promoted with TOP-EOS diagnostics according to Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl.
The Basics Principles
In this three-day seminar, you will acquire basic knowledge of the PSI-Theory in relation to the complex field of social motives. It is about motives: relationship, performance, power and freedom. Motives are an important basis for experiential learning. Each participant will be given the opportunity of a free MUT/OMT scan in order to try out the function-analytical understanding on himself or with a client
PSI-Licensing Module 3
Efficient and sustainable change processes are promoted with TOP-EOS diagnostics according to Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl.
The Basics Principles
In this three-day seminar, you will acquire basic knowledge of personality development is conveyed in a practical way. Each participant will be given the opportunity of a free MUT/OMT scan in order to try out the function-analytical understanding on himself or with a client
The multi-level personality diagnosis is based on the PSI-Theory, the Personality-System- Interaction-Theory according to Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl, and thus on current psychological and neuropsychological findings.
The PSI-Theory is a highly integrative meta-theory that is hardly encountered in today’s science. The advantage of this theory is that it can be applied very well in different fields of practice
In contrast to traditional personality assessments, it is not merely a matter of assigning a person to specific personality categories. Particularly Self-management diagnostics open up perspectives on a person’s resources and development opportunities.
Self-management diagnostics accelerate the search for starting points for change enormously: Blockades, which are not only due to an external problem or the contents, can be recognized at a glance.
Possibilities for change starting at the cause level become clear and point out creative training and development possibilities.
Practical application sustainably more effective and methods based on function analysis
The workshops and method seminars are intended to support counsellors in the practical application of PSI-Theory and the resulting interventions. They are aimed at different target groups and can be successfully applied in many fields. If you would like to find out with us what your personal suitable further training course could look like, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl can look back on forty years of teaching, mainly at the University of Osnabrück, where he held the chair in personality psychology. His lectures and teaching contributions at IMPART are particularly enriching due to the wealth of current scientific findings and their integration. Many clients appreciate the special opportunity to be personally introduced to the work with the PSI-Personality-Analysis by the test developer and founder of the PSI-Theory.
Dr. Gudula Ritz received her doctorate from the University of Osnabrück under the auspices of Prof. Kuhl and has been Managing Director of IMPART for 10 years. During this time, she has successfully built and personally shaped IMPART. It is important to her that the implications of the PSI-Theory, which stand for quality characteristics on the relationship level, are also put into practice. This concern also plays an important role in the training of counsellors in personality-oriented counselling (POB), in addition to the acquisition of a professional application of PSI-Personality Analysis in practice. For over 20 years, Dr. Ritz has been a lecturer for dialogue management with difficult clients, including at the Münster University of Applied Sciences. She is a visiting professor at the Alpen-Adria-Universität in Klagenfurt.
Susanne Decker leads the licensing seminars for psychotherapists at the IMPART location in Berlin and is a member of the psychotherapy task force there:
Susanne Decker is a qualified psychologist, trainer and supervisor for psychotherapy. She is a psychological psychotherapist with her own practice in Berlin.
Sabine Happe has worked as a coach in her own practice in Hamburg for 15 years and has been a certified TOP competence consultant since 2010 and an associated woodstocking® coach since 2018. Sabine Happe is specialized in goal finding and goal achievement; she uses TOP diagnostics and embodiment methods in her work and teaches the PSI-Theory in her training courses for clients.
Doctor of medicine Giovanna Eilers is a certified ZRM® trainer, a PSI-competence consultant and a physician for internal medicine/diabetology. She lives in Berlin and works in Germany and Switzerland, preferably with the PSI methods and the Zurich Resource Model (ZRM). The combination of personality-system interaction theory (PSI) with CRM has become the focus of her work, which is why she completed her training as a PRB® coach at the PSI Switzerland Institute and is a member of the counselling team there.
Dipl.-Psych. Anna Maria Engel is licensed for TOP Diagnostics and worked from 2011 to 2013 as assistant to the management at the IMPART Institute. As a lecturer at the University of Osnabrück, at Marmara Üniversitesi Istanbul, at Palacky University Olomouc and at the Lower Saxony Institute for Early Childhood Education and Development (nifbe), she has worked with various target groups. She is a research assistant at the LearningCenter of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. In addition, she is doing her doctorate in the field of industrial and organizational psychology at the University of Osnabrück and works as a freelance consultant and trainer in the fields of personality and organizational development as well as intercultural competence.
Dipl.-Psych. Lisa Hollands is licensed for TOP diagnostics. She has already gained practical experience in training with international and German students as well as in the working context with specialists and executives at home and abroad. She has also worked as a freelance trainer, lecturer and expert abroad (e.g. University of Tartu, Estonia; Belarusian State University & Sakharov Institute, Minsk) and in Germany (e.g. Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences). She works in the field of economics and ethics at the University of Vechta and is aiming for a doctorate in work and organisational psychology with the topic “Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR).
Ingrid Rath-Arnold is a graduate biologist and teacher at the Oberstufen-Kolleg of Bielefeld University. She is a certified PSI-competence consultant and personality-oriented consultant. Ingrid Rath-Arnold works as a lecturer in teacher training at the University of Bielefeld as well as in the ECHA diploma programme at the International Center for Talent Research in Münster on the main topics “Effective teaching with the PSI-Theory – avoiding disorders” and “Self-management as a contribution to teacher and pupil health”. In particular, she uses the link between the PSI-Theory and the Zurich Resource Model in training and in her work as a coach.
Dr. Judith A. Bahmer received her diploma and doctorate from the University of Osnabrück under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl. Her work focused on the integrative competence of patients with chronic inflammatory skin diseases – especially neurodermatitis, psoriasis and urticaria. Dr. Bahmer taught the course “Psychosomatic Dermatology” for the Bremen Medical Association as part of the curriculum “Psychosomatic Basic Care”. Since 2016 she has been using PSI-Personality Analysis in her psychotherapeutic practice in Coesfeld to plan and evaluate therapy for selected patients. A further field of work has opened up for her in the application of Potential and Personality Analysis for young adults in the context of studies and career orientation.
Anke Bavendam-Kreib has been an expert in OMT evaluations for over 30 years and offers outstanding re-test agreement values for this projective test procedure in her ratings, e.g. in research projects. She worked closely with Prof Julius Kuhl at the University of Osnabrück for many years and was responsible for both EEG measurements and the OMT. She was a freelancer at IMPART for 10 years. Since Prof Kuhl’s retirement, Ms Bavendam has been employed by IMPART as an OMT expert.
Carolin Dolle has been a teacher at Harsewinkel Grammar School since 2008 and has over 15 years’ experience as a counselling teacher. She has been a systemic EOS counsellor (Development-Oriented Self-Management) for 10 years and also teaches the basic principles of PSI theory to pupils as a PSI skills counsellor. She sees PSI theory as a great enrichment for her daily teaching practice and counselling work. Her school-based focus is therefore on the areas of counselling, personal development and school and teaching development.
Silvia Bopp works in the counselling and coaching department of a complex facility for people with disabilities. As a freelance coach, she supports people in their professional and personal self-development. Her training as a dance and expression therapist enables her to combine artistic work with aspects of emotional, mental and physical health and recovery. She has been leading seminars on various topics for many years. She teaches free dance for self-awareness, holistic regeneration and stress management. PSI theory and TOP diagnostics are a valuable treasure for stimulating goal-focussed development processes as a coach. Body awareness is an important key to improving self-awareness.
If you are interested in the possibility of further training, please contact us! We are happy to provide you with information and advice personally at all times.
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