Make a note: BIENNALE 2021 on 20 November 2021!
New: BIENNALE 2021 programme
Counselling is a supportive measure based primarily on communication, whereas training can creatively integrate a variety of exercises aimed at development and change. The PSI-Functional Analysis is an important tool at a change-relevant level that cannot be achieved by discourse and directive objectives. Changes usually take place unconsciously.
Therapists have many years of experience with PSI-Functional Analysis in psychotherapy. The PSSI (Kuhl & Kazén, 1997), published by Hogrefe, has been offering practical psychotherapists as well as psychotherapy researchers the opportunity to identify initial reactions or even indications of personality disorders for 20 years. The new DSM-5 requires not only a descriptive but also a function-analytical diagnosis of the disorders. Our instruments are ideally suited for these tasks.
Human resources developers are confronted with a wide range of tasks. Nowadays, qualified employees are motivated to develop their skills further. Many organisations also want to support this motivation in their own interest.
‘I have just received and read the IMPART newsletter and was delighted! 25 years of Impart and your shared joy and appreciation of this anniversary. The encouraging poem by Ludwig Tieck, the invitation to the symposium in September (already in the diary ). The POB training and all the insights that I was able to gain and discover in addition to the specialist knowledge are omnipresent and accompany me in my daily work and life. It was still present yesterday and the day before yesterday. In counselling a desperate employee who thought she was in a powerless and helpless situation at work (and was clearly in a challenging situation). Then I asked myself the question: ‘How can I help her?’ I became aware of WB content: Counselling skills, MI; exploring ambivalence etc., PSI theory with the reciprocal connections between action and affective experience, and the idea of the complexity of human behaviour and experience. All of this enabled me to pick her up and help her to gain an inner attitude to what was happening, as well as a direction, a perspective. Oh, and as I write this, I realise that I myself benefit from all of this in the same way and that the content also accompanies and enriches me personally in the way I lead my life. What a gift!’
‘Dear IMPART team! Thank you very much for the newsletter and the Christmas wishes. And congratulations on the company’s 25th anniversary. Come what may in the world, the brittle money will trickle away If the future is sometimes bright, sometimes grey Impart stands its ground 😉 With this in mind, I wish you continued success and happiness for the next 25 ;-)’
‘In pupil coaching, TOP diagnostics have proved extremely successful as an initial diagnostic tool before the coaching process. Thanks to this scientifically based test procedure, the coach recognises the cause of the respective learning and performance disorder and can work with the client on their desire for change. Self-control skills such as self-motivation, self-soothing or dealing constructively with failure are strengthened in a targeted manner and personal development is supported. The use of a before/after test can provide evidence of the effectiveness of the coaching process. Successes can thus be made measurable and visible.’
‘For us, the EOS analysis is an ideal starting point and basis for trusting and appreciative processes in personnel and personality development. It is the only method known to us that can analyse personality in such an individual way. Thanks to the EOS analysis, we have been able to increase the efficiency of our coaching sessions by around 50% because it captures individual resources and clearly identifies areas for action.’
‘TOP diagnostics goes far beyond the usual understanding of mental disorders, it is resource-orientated and opens up new, interesting and sustainably effective solutions that can be developed and implemented together with the patient.’
‘I value PSI theory in my practice because it gives me a kind of compass. I can assess more precisely what mental state a client is in and adjust my approach accordingly.’
‘In my practice for vocational, study and career counselling and coaching, I provide professional support to young people and adults in their professional and personal development. My aim is to discover, promote and develop their aptitudes and interests, their development potential and to get to know their personality. My clients and I wouldn’t want to miss out on this valuable diagnostic process.’
Translated with (free version)
‘What I appreciate about TOP/EOS diagnostics is the possibility of a reliable and holistic assessment of my clients’ personalities. In particular, the area of self-competence, motives and their implementation offers me as a career counsellor and my discerning clients very valuable and helpful support in terms of shaping their future careers.’
Functional Analysis of Personality Based on PSI
IMPART means Institute for Motivation, Personality, Assessment, Research and Training. It is not merely a matter of personality diagnostics, but rather, as the abbreviation EOS development-oriented scanning (Entwicklungsorientiertes Scanning) suggests, of the functional analysis of development opportunities. Here, functional analysis means looking at the interaction and dynamics of a person’s interpersonal systems regardless of descriptions of features and contents. This approach is unique among personality analyses. The functional analysis refers to seven levels of personality as described in detail in the PSI-Theory (Kuhl, 2001). The core modules of PSI-personality analysis consist of
Extension modules are
Seminars and Functional Analysis
IMPART will show you various possibilities to combine the PSI-Functional Analysis with your practice and your everyday professional life. IMPART offers training and professional development for trainers, counsellors, coaches and therapists. The aim of these formats is to initiate and support sustainable changes and developments on the basis of the PSI-Theory. IMPART also offers different types of personality analyses: TOP means Training and Therapy Accompanying Osnabrück Personality Analyses and EOS means Development-Oriented Scanning. Both variants work with the same test modules but make use of different graphical display modes.
As the meaning of the abbreviation PSI suggests, it is not the structures of personality as such that are relevant, but the dynamics that unfold between the structures. Personality can be envisioned as a multi-level architectural model in which no level and no system acts on its own, but everything is connected to everything else and, above all, interacts reciprocally. These interactions can be fruitful and promote development, but they can also block or develop an undesirable momentum of their own. An example of this would be the emergence of a negative mood, which promotes the perception of discrepancies and which, in turn, has a negative effect on the mood. PSI-Theory also offers robust explanations and shows ways to change such circular interactions. PSI stands for a holistic view of personality, opening up a meta-perspective that is neuropsychologically sound and shows change-relevant dynamics.